
A signal is a message distributed via HTTP to a Q enabled device. This message may contain lighting color and effect information as well as a message for a human.

Signals have the following fields

Field Description
id integer 1

Unique ID of the signal

Signals created via localhost have negative ids

name string 'Apple Stock increase'

Name of the Signal

message string 'Lucky you! Apple stock is greater than $500'

Message of the Signal

zoneId string 'KEY_Q' '74' '2,2'

Specify the id of the zone targeted by the Signal more about zoneId

color string '#FF0000'

Color of the Signal - has to begin by the character ‘#’ and be followed by 3 or 6 hexadecimal digits


Effect of the Signal

pid string 'DK5QPID'

Pid of the device targeted by the signal

isArchived boolean false

Indicates if the Signal has been archived

isRead boolean false

Indicates if the Signal has been read

isMuted boolean false

Not implemented yet

userId integer 9

Globally unique ID of the user that created the signal.

clientName string 'Local Node Script' 'Zapier'

Describes the client that created the signal

createdAt timestamp 1531946199392

The time at which the signal was created.

updatedAt timestamp 1531946199392

The time at which the signal was last modified.